As I progress through my career as an educator, I think using the National Professional Development will play a key role in facilitating and framing the development of my practice.
This framework makes it easy to focus on specific realms or domains for development. For instance, by focusing on developing the domain of ‘Self,’ I was able to hone my philosophy on teaching. Understanding my philosophy and dissecting the process of how I learn allows me to address biases I might carry regarding learning styles.
Another critical domain that I think every educator must address is ‘Communication and Dialogue.’ Managing how to better facilitate both verbal and visual communication between educator and learner is quintessential to forming a practice that will create the space for maximal learning. Giving feedback and receiving it is vital for the growth of both the learner and the educator.
In our rapidly shifting environment where technology is shifting the landscape of how we live, as an educator, it is important that we don’t get left behind and that we learn to use the technology available to us to facilitate and develop the best environment for learning. This often means we need to delve outside our comfort zone and embrace new technology as it presents itself.
I was interested to find that this module on Professional Practice has facilitated the exploration of each of the four domains developed in the framework. Moving forward I hope to create space for reflection on my practice by focusing on each of the four core areas, ensuring that I continue to grow as an educator.